Newspaper Appearance

Published 07/12/2024

I appeared in the Geelong Advertiser on Tuesday the 3rd of September, in an article written by Abby Walter on long-term unemployment. The request for me to do the interview came from community organisation Northern Futures, whom I have previously completed training with. I am so appreciative of Northern Futures that I will do my best to help them out wherever I can.


University AV Presentation

Published 23/11/2024

This is a TED Talk style AV presentation I did for a university assessment, as a promotion of myself as a political candidate, demonstrating my values, and my way of thinking.
The topics discussed were used for multiple assessments covering several units in the trimester, with permission from the unit chairs. The original draft for this was much longer and more detailed, I had to cut over 1,000 words for the sake of the time limit (which I was still over).
It did not turn out exactly as I had hoped but I did the best I could with what I had.

Follow up to my open letter 

Published 03/04/2022

I’ve written a follow up piece to the Open Letter I wrote which details what has happened since, and my pivot towards a political career.

Thank you once again to Independent Australia for publishing.,16221

Policy: Direct Ballot Referendums

Published 17/12/2021

I discuss my policy of adding Referendums Directly to Ballots during Elections, giving Australians back some control over our Democracy and the directions our Country takes.

Policy: Legalise, Regulate, and Tax Recreational Cannabis

Published 10/12/2021

I discuss my policy of Legalised Cannabis and Drug Decriminalisation, that I intend to take to the next Federal Election.

Policy: Universal Healthcare, Public Education, and Social Housing

Published 04/12/2021

New Video. I discuss my policy positions for greater social welfare reforms, namely Universal Healthcare, Public Education, and Social Housing.

TheJuiceMedia’s Honest Government Ad on A Federal ICAC (PG Version)

Published 26/11/2021

TheJuiceMedia created a satirical Honest Government Ad on the need for a Federal ICAC in Australia, explained in a way a lot better than I could have.

Posted with permission. This is NOT an endorsement from TheJuiceMedia.

TheJuiceMedia’s Honest Government Ad on Preferential Voting (PG Version)

Published 26/11/2021

TheJuiceMedia created a satirical Honest Government Ad on Preferential Voting and how it works in Australia, and how Voting Independent or 3rd Party is not wasting your vote. 

Posted with permission. This is NOT an endorsement from TheJuiceMedia.

Poverty Exists as a Government Policy

Published 18/11/2021

New Video. Poverty and the Fear of Poverty exist as a Government Policy, it’s unnecessary and we can end it. Vote for Change by Changing your Vote.

Climate Change, COP26, and “The Australian Way”

Published 05/11/2021

New video uploaded to Youtube wherein I discuss Climate Change, COP26, and “The Australian Way”.

Campaign Approach: I’m Willing to be the Villain

Published 25/10/2021

I explain my approach to getting the political change Australia needs, in my willingness to be the Villain to the Rich, Powerful, and Corrupt that stand in the way.

Vaccinations and Anti-Vax Movements

Published 14/10/2021

I discuss Vaccinations and Anti-Vax Movements, my experience, and the need to think critically.

Mental Health and Government Policy

Published 01/10/2021

*Trigger Warning: Discussion of Mental Health*

In my second video I discuss my mental health, and the effects Government Policy has on people’s mental health both directly and indirectly.

Luke Hinsley for Corio (Introduction Video)

Published 04/09/2021

My first self produced video, uploaded to Youtube as an Introduction to myself, my candidacy, and my political ideology.


An open letter to the Morrison Government

Published 04/09/2021

An Open Letter I wrote to the Morrison Government, Political Party Leaders, and Independent Media Sources regarding Centrelink and failures of Government Services.

It was published on 17/02/2021 by Michelle Pini, Managing Editor at Independent Australia.,14806