Black Flag Campaign Launched
Fundraiser link here:
This is me.
My goal is to save the world.
This does not just mean from climate change, although that is the major threat. Our society needs reform. Healthcare. Welfare. Education. We can do better, we deserve better.
It’s not enough to just say that things will get better, we need to see people fighting to make it better. People need to feel hope for the future.
But the system is designed to work as it is now. The flaws are intended, it fails by design. I know what it’s like to struggle, to experience pain and trauma, to need help. I’ve suffered from depression; I was made homeless by an extreme weather event, and I have an acquired spinal injury from work. And I know what it’s like for the government to deny you, reject you, and diminish you.
The system needs to change, but that will not happen while those in power benefit from the status quo. They distract us into fighting a culture war of left versus right, so we don’t fight back in the class war of up versus down. To bring this change is to be cast as the villain.
I’ve spent the last two-and-a-bit years at university studying politics and international relations, I’ve earned an associate degree and am working on a bachelor’s degree. I’m learning where the problems lie, so I can go about fixing them.
I want to be their villain, to stand and fight for you as an Independent. No more coin-flipping blue or red, it’s time to raise the black. Declare hostilities against the corrupt system and fight for change.
Here is latest Map for the Electorate of Corio, showing all Towns & Suburbs that fall within the division lines.
This website is continually under development.
More to come!